
Services as Constants

Each name of the service that gets registered in the FactoryDefault DI of Prest is defined as a constant. This keeps your code organized and provides autocompletion.

Throughout the library we use it as follows:

use PhalconRest\Constants\Services;

FactoryDefault DI

Like Phalcon we provide you with a FactoryDefault DI with all services registered.

$di = new Prest\Di\FactoryDefault;

Custom Services

Note that you can always extend from these services and register your own version using the same name. This way Prest will use your version.


This service adds some convenience methods. Like Prest\Http\Request::getToken to get the authentication token from either a query parameter or Authorization header.

$request = $di->get(Services::REQUEST);


This service is mainly responsible for outputting JSON formatted errors and data responses in a consistent way.

$response = $di->get(Services::RESPONSE);

User Service

Provides initial service to work with User model. Usually this service have to be extend to amend with domain specific logic.

$userService = $di->get(Services::USER_SERVICE);

Authentication Manager

This service allows to authenticate using different account types or using a token and getting session info.

$authenticationManager = $di->get(Services::AUTH_MANAGER);

Fractal Manager

This service is from a third-party library called Fractal, it provides us with a transformation layer for complex data output.

$fractalManager = $di->get(Services::FRACTAL_MANAGER);

Token Parser

This service is responsible for parsing session tokens. At the moment we provide a Json Web Token Parser (Prest\Auth\TokenParsers\JWTTokenParser). You are free to replace this with your own token parser.

$tokenParser = $di->get(Services::TOKEN_PARSER);


This is a global instance of Prest\Data\Query. It gets configured on each request by Prest\Middleware\UrlQuery. It's purpose is to provide a layer between the URL Query Syntax and another Query Syntax you prefer. This object can for instance be parsed to a PHQL query.

$query = $di->get(Services::QUERY);

PHQL Query Parser

This service provides a way to apply all options in a Prest\Data\Query instance to a Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query\Builder instance.

$phqlQueryParser = $di->get(Services::PHQL_QUERY_PARSER);

URL Query Parser

This service is used internally to parse GET parameters to the Prest\Data\Query instance which is stored globally.

$urlQueryParser = $di->get(AppServices::URL_QUERY_PARSER);

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